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Questions about our process? We get it and we’ve got answers. 


I have never really had a workout routine or have prioritized movement in my life. I have no idea where to start. Is this safe for me to start while pregnant or postpartum? Can I start even if I don’t have the foundation?


Absolutely. There is no better time to start than now. Here, our goal is to train for motherhood. Motherhood is demanding, and requires strength, grit, and determination. We understand each mother is a unique journey, so we meet you exactly where you are. We have programs that support the basics and the foundation, as well as programs for the well-trained mama. When working 1:1, we will work together to customize and tailor the program to your needs.

I had a baby two years ago. Can I still benefit from the postpartum program?


YES!! Anyone who has had a baby is in a “postpartum” phase. If you haven’t properly addressed your core and pelvic floor, or you’re having issues such as heaviness, discomfort, decreased libido, leaking, etc you can benefit from this program!

I am halfway through my pregnancy, but would love to benefit from the pregnancy and postpartum program. Is it too late to join?


No, never too late to join or to start! Feel free to reach out via email to discuss options, or book a discovery call to discuss which program is right for you. 

Can I just modify my gym’s program?


You absolutely can, but there will likely be a lot of guesswork. You may feel like you have to modify every workout because you don’t know what is safe or ok, and end up feeling like it was a waste of time or leave frustrated because you couldn’t do the workout as it was written. Remember, you are in season training for birth, so your focus should shift. But that doesn’t mean the intensity has to shift. I would highly recommend signing up for the Prenatal Program to set a foundation to give you the confidence you deserve throughout your pregnancy.

Do you take insurance?

One of the most common questions I get asked. The short answer is no, but there is a very good reason why. The goal of this program is prevention and wellness. Without insurance involved, it allows my pricing to be lower and more affordable. Because this is a wellness related program with a focused labor prep with movement and positioning, breathing techniques, and pain management options, this may be eligible for HSA or FSA reimbursement. Once you purchase a consultation or program, you may submit the receipt of purchase to your HSA/FSA Insurance Provider.  As always, please reach out if you have questions about using HSA, pricing, and financing options. 

Any other questions?

Don't hesitate to reach out via email at or book a discovery call to find out more information about our programming and how we can support you in this season of your life. Your village starts here!

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